Morris Family Fertility Journey

Jackson, GA (US)
Created 1 year ago
Fertility Treatments

Morris Family Fertility Journey

by Amber Morris

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $7,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $7,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Jackson, GA (US)

Amber Morris is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My name is Amber and my husbands name is Austin. I am 28 years old and my husband turns 30 in December. We do not currently have any children, thanks to PCOS. Austin and I have been together for 11 years (since high school) and married for 9 years. We have been trying to conceive since we got married. A family of our own is something we have always talked about and prayed for! We have so nieces and nephews to love on and we see each other with other children and just pray that someday we are getting to watch one another play and interact with our own babies.
Unfortunately after 4 different OBGYN’s, 6 failed rounds of clomid, and three rounds of letrozole (we got pregnant the third round of letrozole in 2021) but we are unsure if it was the letrozole that helped out if it was the steroids I was on due to poison Ivy that reduced the inflammation in my ovaries that PCOS causes. I’ve never been so excited to share with my family that we finally did it! After so many tears, negative tests, medications, and tracking of cycles we had finally gotten pregnant after 7 years of NEVER seeing a positive test! Fast forward a week and a half later after the excitement I was napping and woke up to my body processing a miscarriage.. devastated was an understatement I started to question what I had done wrong, what I could have done differently, how I could have changed the outcome. But I had to learn that it was not anything I had done at all. Fast forward to trying again about 2 months after that and nothing was happening again. 2022 nothing happened either I started to feel like that was my one and only chance and it was gone.. through it all though we’ve continued to pray and keep our faith and never gave up! 2023 came around it was 2 weeks before my birthday in May I didn’t feel so good, was so tired, nauseated I thought surely I was coming down with a stomach bug or something. I decided to test the following morning and sure enough we were pregnant again!! But this time as happy as I wanted to be I was terrified.. terrified to tell anyone, terrified to tell my husband and see him light up all over again because of the outcome of last time. We told those closest to us and planned to keep it on the down low until we were past 12 weeks.  Mothers Day weekend rolled around and I woke up that Saturday morning and everything in me told me to go get my HCG levels rechecked so I trusted my gut, I got the results back that they had went down about 26 numbers.. I instantly knew what the outcome was going to be.. the next day was my birthday my numbers had dropped from 84 to 12 by this time… This was the worst birthday I ever had… But I could never be more thankful for the people who were right by our side and showed up with the littlest things that made it feel like it was going to be ok.  And just come to keep us company and despite the circumstances came to tell me happy birthday and love us that day.  I’ve had 2 miscarriages within the last 2 1/2 years and as much as saying that hurts it gives me hope that at some point our time is coming we just have to keep trying, and praying!
We were recently referred to a fertility clinic after seeing 4 different OBGYN’s that have been unable to help us any further with this journey. This has been a very tough and trying journey mentally, physically, emotionally and financially for us. IUI or IVF is our only option, at becoming parents to a child of our own. But we know we can’t do this alone as the financial part of this can be and is costly, my health insurance will not cover these procedures. With still having to live our everyday lives as well as continuing to financially support ourselves and pay the bills while trying to also make this happen it’s going to take a village to help us.
So we are asking for anyone who is able to help us reach our goal of becoming parents if you can donate towards our treatment of IUI or IVF if would mean the world to us and someday we will find a way to repay each and everyone. We appreciate the time that you have taken to read our story and we thank you for any help you are able to provide.